You can help others learn and grow.

Thank you so much for participating in BorderLinks first online study group! We hope you have found this weekly study group to be educational, enriching, and relevant. We hope you’ll be more prepared to join the justice movements developing and growing across the nation. Our mission as an organization is to inspire action for social transformation through our educational experiences.

COVID-19 has derailed our lives in so many ways and BorderLinks has lost its primary source of income—in-person delegations. It’s been tough but we are confident that donors like you will help us survive and thrive as we continue to educate folx across the country.

Would you be willing to pay it forward? We are offering these study groups free of charge even while our staff dedicate portions of their week for planning and leading these discussion. Your gift today will educate others tomorrow, like Kristen, a high-school student who attended a delegation last year:

“My time at Borderlinks was an absolute eye-opener and gift to me. It was emotional and challenging everyday because I was constantly thrown into situations where I was forced to examine the privileges that have been granted to me by being born in this body on this side of some arbitrary line in the sand. It changed me and the way I interact with the world. I love that it was educational and experience oriented.”

Thank you so much for your support, your passion for justice, and the work you are doing in your local community.

In solidarity,

The BorderLinks Team